Friday, March 7, 2014


Next week we will have a slight change in our homework system. I have a policy that if all students bring their homework in on time (the next day), we will have 5 extra minutes of recess. This reward has only happened ONE time this year. (To give you background, my class last year had this reward almost every week.) I am not a big proponent of homework, but it is my responsibility to prepare my students for the increased workload of intermediate grades. I told the class a few weeks ago that if homework was not all turned in on time I would have to increase homework from once a week to twice a week as they must need more practice being responsible. For two weeks everyone got the assignment in, but unfortunately this week that was not the case. Starting next week we will have homework twice a week. Anyone who does not bring it in the next day will have to complete it during recess. I do not enjoy assigning more homework or taking away more recess, but the lack of responsibility is too big to ignore. Thank you for your support.

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