Friday, September 27, 2013

Book Orders

Remember to click the link on the side bar for Scholastic book orders. You can order any time you'd like! Use our class code: J42WC

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Lemonade War

We are currently reading The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies. The kids love this book. It has fantastic characters, a relatable story, and it even connects to math! We are currently using The Lemonade War to practice reading strategies as a class. Specifically we are working on making predictions, asking questions, and making inferences as we read. We are also reviewing what we know about fiction: main characters, plot, problem, solution, etc. This book is part of a series so you may want to hunt for the others as great choices for reading at home!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Saturday Live Basket

Hi there! Saturday Live is already coming up next weekend (the 28th)! We do not currently have anything for our basket. The kids chose the theme "Video Games." I know this could be a tricky theme to shop for. We talked about ideas that were inexpensive like video game themed stickers, candy, that kind of thing. Angry Birds stuff is everywhere and that might be a good way to go. If it even remotely fits the theme, or close, we'll throw it in and have fun with it! Please send items by Wednesday the 25th so that we have time to get it together! Thanks!!!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Testing Next Week

Next week we will be taking NWEA testing. NWEA is a national standardized test. Our district starts administering NWEA in third grade. We will be testing Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday mornings. There are three tests covering math, language, and reading. Since we'll be working so hard testing next week, we will not have a spelling test. This gives us some wiggle room in lesson plans and a little extra free time at home to ease up on a what can be a hard week. If you have any questions feel free to call or email me at

Monday, September 9, 2013

Spelling List #2

Here is our second spelling list- focusing on vowel-consonant-e. Have a great week! 1. mile 2. save 3. invite 4. price 5. erase 6. ripe 7. skate 8. life 9. spoke 10. excuse 11. cone 12. cube 13. broke 14. done 15. decide

Thursday, September 5, 2013


We are in the full swing of things now and ready to dive all the way in to third grade! I will send home a Math page for homework every week in Tuesday folders. This homework is always due the next day (Wednesday). This helps us practice responsibility and helps prepare us for fourth grade. I would also like to encourage at least 20 minutes a night of reading. Depending on your child's needs, there are also some excellent resources for at-home practice of spelling, math, and keyboarding. I suggest the following schedule for homework:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Spelling Words- List #1

Your child will take a spelling pretest on Mondays and be responsible to take their list home to study in Tuesday folders. I will show them this week how they can access Spellingcity to practice. You can try it at home too! Go to The username is "mrskane1" and the password is "spelling." Our Spelling test is on Friday. Have a great week! This week's words: 1. crop 2. plan 3. thing 4. smell 5. shut 6. sticky 7. spent 8. lunch 9. pumpkin 10. clock 11. gift 12. head 13. friend 14. front